
Saturday 7 July 2012


I hope you are sitting down for this, but we have sunshine. Yes, real honest to goodness sunshine. The skies are blue, with fluffy white clouds being chased by a light breeze, a breeze which is also making the branches of the trees dance. The cats are outside asleep on various chairs, shelves (long story, don't ask) and in plant pots, Harry Belafonte is on the CD player, and I have a steaming mug of stong coffee beside me on the table. The day could not be more perfect. Unless I win the lottery of course.

I need to get some work done on the car, although an awfully nice man from the AA effected a temporary fix for me during the week. Then there is the work that needs doing on the house - I won't list it it would take too long. I have been in this house for about 16 years and I don't think that it has ever been finished. There has always been at least one room which has needed something doing to it, be it tiling in the bathroom or kitchen, bare plaster walls in the hall or something else which I either can't do or don't have the money for. Add to that that the fact that the whole of the outside needs to be re-rendered, the windows and doors painted and you get the picture. Not pretty is it?

So if the lottery gods are watching would you mind very much picking my numbers tonight?

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