
Sunday, 24 June 2012

A summer of sport

I have, so far, managed to studiously avoid all sport related televison over the last few weeks. Currently it is football, shortly Wimbledon starts and then the Olympics. Now, I am not adverse to watching sport, but the relentlessness of what is to come is enough to drive me to distraction. Television companies are labouring under the assumption that we all want to watch various sporting events ad nauseum, and are shuffling the schedules so that we will have no idea where our favourites tv shows will be. As a license payer, it would be nice to be consulted, but large corporations never consult their customers.

I blame all this sporting activity for the wonderful weather we are experiencing at the moment. I know that the British have a weather obsession (or perhaps it is a fetish), but really this year the summer, so far, has been a complete wash out. By that I mean wet, windy, cool and did I mention wet? There have been floods in parts of the country with more on the way, which have followed hard on the heels of hosepipe bans. Definately crazy!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Summer or not

It has been a nice, mainly, sunny day today and the cats have loved it. They have been in the garden since early morning, and I just know I am going to have fun trying to get them in this evening. It is worth the hassle though to know they have enjoyed themselves.
They spend all day lolling in plantpots or chattering at the birds in the trees. From time to time they come in to make sure I am behaving myself, and then potter out again, content that all is as it should be.
The laburnum trees in the garden bordering the alley at the back of the house are shedding their petals, and they all end up in my yard. With the recent rain, they have firmly fixed themselves to the floor and are refusing to give way. It is a problem I have every year, and every year I have my work cut out trying to rid myself of them. They stick to the souls of my shoes, the cats are decorated with them and I find them trampled throughout the house. On the trees, they are cheerful and lovely to look at but once they fall they are a complete nuisance.

It is June and technically summer, although I think someone needs to tell the weather gods. A week or so ago, we had lovely hot weather, although it was a little humid, but now it has cooled considerably and yesterday we had heavy rain.

When the days are longer, and I am not muffled against the cold, everything seems easier and less stressful; food tastes better and I don't get the munchies quite so often; energy levels rise and my get up and go has not got up and gone. I can think straight, my head is clear and I feel like I am able to function.